Tamilnadu Legal Heir/ Varisu Certificate Online/ Offline Application Procedure
Tamilnadu Legal Heir Certificate A legal heir certificate is a very important document to establish the relationship between the deceased and legal heirs. Once the death certificate is obtained from the municipality/corporation, it is required that the successors apply for this legal heir certificate to claim their right over the deceased person’s properties and dues. Eligibility : The certificate can be claimed by the following people: 1) Wife of the deceased. 2) The child of the deceased. 3) Father or mother of the deceased. 4) Sibling of the deceased. How To Apply? Online : Now you can apply for Legal Heir certificate online through Tamil Nadu e-Sevai portal. 1) Go to the link https://www.tnesevai.tn.gov.in/Citizen/ 2) Sign Up (or) Sign In 3) Fill the Legal Heir certificate application and 4) Submit Offline : 1) You can obtain a Legal Heir certificate through your Taluk / Thasildhar office in your area (or) you ca...